In 2024 di:ga worked with MercyCorps to conceive of and write an advocacy report on climate finance ahead of the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Baku Azerbaijan. We were briefed by the project sponsor on the purpose and audiences of the report. We then read the background research and inputs from the MercyCorps team and produced a report outline for comment.
This involved coming up with a framing concept, which was “Five Tests for a Robust New Collective Quantified Goal”. This framing gave us the structure for the report and enabled us to organise the mass of complex material, much of which focused on the lessons to be learned from the previous collective climate finance target, set in 2009.
Having agreed on this framing with the team, we wrote the report and iterated in response to feedback. The report included technical information and case studies, but it was key that it was accessible to non-expert policy makers and the media. The report was a big success, getting a lot of media coverage at launch and informing the advocacy and communications by MercyCorps and the other members of the Zurich Climate Resilience Alliance.
Debbie Hiller
Head of the Zurich Climate Resilience Alliance, MercyCorps