
Here are some nice things people have said about us.

di:ga helped us take a fresh approach to this year’s launch, pushing us to be as strategic as possible in reaching our core audiences. Their dedication to quality and impact, combined with their seamless integration of media and digital communications, made all the difference.

Alison Holder

Executive Director, Equal Measures 2030

di:ga have been great partners in the dissemination of our global report, helping us to secure high-quality and widespread coverage of its important findings. The results are a testament to their extensive global media network, sharp news sense, and tenacity.

Mark Gnadt

Head of Communications, Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)

di:ga were instrumental in raising the profile of our campaign with top-tier media – getting on the FT front page was something we never thought would be possible. If you're looking for a strategic communications partner with media nous and a deep understanding of climate issues, get di:ga involved.

Nina Pušić

Senior Strategist, Oil Change International

di:ga were fantastic to work with. They got up to speed on the project incredibly quickly and delivered impactful media engagements, digital design and event coordination. Amy and her team have an impressive ability to ensure their expertise shapes the work, whilst still staying highly responsive throughout. They felt like part of our team and we wouldn't have been able to release our research in time for the election without them.

Lovisa Moller

Director of Analysis, National Centre for Social Research

di:ga were excellent at helping us to raise the profile of our CEO as a thought leader on social media. Their strategic thinking and social media expertise meant we could reach new audiences outside our typical sphere of influence.

Pippa Rodger

Global Director of Marketing and Communications, World Animal Protection

We had a great experience working with di:ga on auditing our digital channels. They were thorough, engaging and brought a high level of expertise and experience to the project. We've taken away valuable insights in a variety of areas that will help us to greaten our impact and would highly recommend!

Louise Curry

Senior Digital Engagement Manager, The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Bright, engaging, articulate, persistent, emotionally intelligent and responsive are just some of the epithets I’d use to describe Katie and her di:ga colleagues. Their work on Gaza was outstanding - it was a pleasure working with them and I recommend them unreservedly.

Brigadier John Deverell CBE

Former Director of Defence Diplomacy at the Ministry of Defence

di:ga are great to work with: creative, efficient, and knowledgeable. They engaged deeply with the policy detail, worked sensitively with our team internally, and drove excellent results across media and digital.

David Laborde

Director, Agrifood Economics Division, FAO

It was a great experience working with di:ga. They provided vital support, asked tough questions, and left us with strong ideas and focus.

Lauren Baker

Deputy Director, Global Alliance for the Future of Food

Collaborating with di:ga has been a game-changer! Their strategic approach and expert messaging have transformed our complex issues into clear, compelling communication that resonates with our audiences. In such a complex, noisy world, di:ga's focus on impact is essential for advocacy organisations looking to drive change.

Joe Bardwell

Director of Communications & Campaigns, Publish What You Pay

di:ga were completely amazing. They asked all the right questions, dealt with some tough strategic knots, navigated our sign off processes and provided some really great copy. Couldn’t recommend highly enough!

Berry Cochrane

Head of Digital Mobilisation, Greenpeace UK

di:ga are brilliant partners for our work, always supporting us to be strategic and focus on impact, as well as rolling up their sleeves and delivering across media and digital. They’ve helped us define, grow and influence our key audiences and make air quality a much higher priority for governments and other funders.

Sue Wixley

Head of Communications, Clean Air Fund

We really enjoyed working with di:ga on this project. Their expertise was incredibly valuable in helping us craft messaging around our campaign. We’d recommend them wholeheartedly.

Simeon Rose

Creative Director, Faith in Nature

di:ga’s work with the UK Anti-Corruption Coalition was fantastic. Their insights and recommendations were incredibly valuable and will help us take our advocacy and influencing to the next level.

Rachel Davies Teka

Advocacy Director, Transparency International UK

di:ga were tireless in getting us to shape the story so it was as newsworthy as possible. They engaged in the detail and helped us come up with an angle that drove global coverage. We learned so much from working with them and would be delighted to do so again.

Claire Arkin

Global Communications Lead, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives

The team at di:ga were really engaged in the project throughout, clearly understanding the objectives and thinking creatively about how we could achieve them. They communicated well, and produced outputs that were easy for us to incorporate into our work.

Tom Railton

Head of External Affairs and Programmes, Economic Change Unit

di:ga were fantastic partners to work with on our report launch. Their strategic thinking and contact with the media proved invaluable.

Isabela Barbosa

Senior Officer, The Global Commission on Drug Policy

di:ga are long-time friends of Crisis Action and we know we can turn to them for expert communications and strategy advice whatever the context or challenge. They are super smart, collaborative and committed to impact.

Nicola Reindorp

CEO, Crisis Action

The di:ga team were tireless in their efforts to secure us the sort of coverage we need to raise awareness about the important issues we are working on. Their collaboration and persistence were fantastic and the results were way beyond our expectations.

Kiranne Guddoy

Communications Officer, IISD

The consultants that we have used from di:ga have been of the highest quality. They have brought great experience and a wealth of smart and creative ideas that have really helped shaped our media strategy and increased our impact and focus.

Caroline Holtum

Communications Director, We Mean Business

di:ga takes comms agencies to a whole new level. Their support throughout the process was unbelievable. The team was dedicated, cared deeply about the issue and never stopped digging-in. The results were far beyond anything we ever expected and are already having an impact.

Carin Smaller

CEO and Founder, Shamba Centre for Food & Climate

di:ga supported the official launch of Prindex, a full rebrand, a new website, and the first publication of data and associated stories. They brought strategic vision to bear on the project, getting us to think beyond our usual audiences and focus on impact. They were diligent and professional and really helped put Prindex on the map.

Anna Locke

Co-Director, Prindex

di:ga were transformative. They gave us exactly what we needed: a wonderful roadmap to raise our profile.

Tess McCormick

Development Director, Mansfield College, Oxford

di:ga are highly strategic and excellent to work with. They really pushed us to dig into our audiences, and we came up with a great plan and materials that suit our very specific needs and opportunities.

Victor Ponsford

Advocacy and Communications Manager, Open Ownership

di:ga were fantastic partners for our research – smart, organised and highly effective. They got the story very quickly and made sure it got picked up by the media that mattered.

Prof. Jane Green

Co-Director, British Election Study

di:ga were excellent! Their experience, knowledge and insight were tailor made into a perfect training package for our concrete needs!

Mona Thowsen

Secretary General, Publish What You Pay, Norway

Amy is proactive and adept at getting an organisation’s message across in the media. She is well connected, understands complex topics and builds excellent working relationships with journalists.

Sam Cage

Bureau Chief, Reuters

di:ga were critical in bringing together a range of actors and viewpoints to produce a clear and compelling report and a top class launch strategy. We recommend them unreservedly.

Iona Lawrence

Former Founding Director, The Jo Cox Foundation

di:ga are quite simply among the best in the business. I can always rely on them to provide the top tier level of strategic input and delivery. They're fantastic to work with.

Gemma Mortensen

Co-founder and Vice Chair, More in Common

Amy’s expertise is strong in so many areas – but one key strength is her ability to help others through the process while ensuring that quality is always high and output well-directed.

Jeff Kaye

Trustee, Transparency International

di:ga helped transform our communications in a matter of months. They are creative, strategic and fantastic to work with.

Darren Cormack

CEO, Mines Advisory Group

di:ga’s support was invaluable. They applied a sensitive, intelligent, strategic approach, dealt with speakers with the utmost maturity and tact, corralled journalists, marshalled tweets, and delivered great results.

Michael Aminian

Founder and Director, Zamyn

We really enjoyed working with di:ga: thanks to their hard work, we've made important progress on our campaigns, and have articulated our organisation's mission to a much larger audience. Their expertise and openness to working flexibly with our team are very valuable.

Hannah Lownsbrough

Former Executive Director, SumOfUs

di:ga are strategic, focused and extremely useful to have around. They have not only helped us improve our communication to key audiences, but to think much more clearly about purpose and impact.

Rachel Oldroyd

Managing Editor, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

di:ga were great to collaborate with. Their communications nous, talent for expressing complex ideas in accessible language, and skilful chairing were invaluable for realising results.

Simon Miller

Managing Partner, 3Keel

From big picture to detail, from strategy to delivery, I trust di:ga completely on all aspects of communication.

Laura Wellesley

Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House

I would say without hesitation that Amy is one of the most talented people I have worked with.

Kevin Watkins

Visiting Professor of Development Practice, LSE

Amy excelled at bringing together four organisations with very different backgrounds to conceive a campaign. We all appreciated her facilitation skills, intelligence, and sensitivity.

Enrique Restoy

Campaigns Manager, International HIV/AIDs Alliance

Amy has a super power. She can take complex issues and explain them in simple terms quickly and concisely.

Katie Edenborough

Former Head of PR, Oxfam GB

di:ga were extremely good at helping us communicate directly and engagingly. They’re smart and easy to work with, and as a result we have a much better understanding of our key audiences and how to reach them effectively.

Pavel Richter

Former CEO, Open Knowledge International

If you and your organisation want to do great things, I would absolutely get di:ga on board.

Alice Harrison

Senior Campaigner, Global Witness

di:ga made an excellent contribution to the launch of our annual Africa Progress Reports. Besides being smart and tenacious, they are also a pleasure to work with.

Caroline Kende-Robb

Former Executive Director, Africa Progress Panel

di:ga were fantastic to work with. Oliver’s clear thinking, sensible advice and flawless delivery enabled us to re-launch the site quickly and with minimal fuss. We are very pleased with the result.

Naomi Fowler

Creative Strategist, Tax Justice Network

Amy is exceptional in understanding complex issues and making them comprehensible without dumbing them down.

Alan Beattie

International Economy Editor, Financial Times

Amy has that rare knack of being able to distill complex ideas into sharp simple communications. Combined with strong political ‘nous’ she is a formidable strategist and campaigner, dedicated to making change happen.

Jeremy Hobbs

Former Executive Director, Oxfam International

Working with di:ga was fantastic. They provided excellent support and advice on strategy, media relations and editing, quickly becoming a trusted part of the core team. They were assertive yet tactful, focused, efficient and 100% committed to helping us achieve impact.

Rafat Al-Akhali

Fellow of Practice, Blavatnik School of Government

di:ga gave us fantastic guidance on our media strategy and tactics. The training sessions they ran on working with the media and broadcast interviews were incredibly well received.

Elizabeth Bourne

Communications Manager, Saferworld

di:ga are strategic, focused, thorough, professional and always deliver results.

Harpinder Collacott

Executive Director, Development Initiatives

di:ga's strategic insight, expertise, and client-focused approach has brought a sea-change in the impact of our communications. Their brilliant work pitching has got us on-target, top-tier coverage for our reports and analyses. And they're great to work with.

Phil Bloomer

Executive Director, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

di:ga’s strategic approach and media savvy ensured we got placed in the media most important for our goals, and their robust, constructive feedback kept us focused. di:ga were great to work with and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them.

Camille Le Pors

Corporate Human Rights Benchmark lead

di:ga are brilliant. Their obvious experience and skills, ability to build and maintain the right relationships and proactive nature have been incredibly helpful to us.

Eliot Whittington

Director, Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change

di:ga’s extensive media contacts and tenacious and thorough approach have helped get quality coverage in the European market for our clients.

Joy Portella

President, Minerva Strategies

Amy was a total pleasure to work with. Full of great ideas on strategy and tactics, she contacted senior barristers, company execs, Avaaz members and journalists at a rapid clip and with great results.

Alex Wilks

Former Campaigns Director, Avaaz

di:ga are excellent to work with. They're honest, efficient, effective and firmly focused on quality and impact.

Selena Chapman

Global Director of Communications and Marketing, CDP

di:ga's input was incredibly astute and strategic. They managed to turn complex, diverse material into a comprehensive and coherent piece of work – on a very tight deadline!

Sophie Amos

Fomer Communications and Campaigns Manager, Help Age International

In di:ga we found a partner who had the skills and knowledge to help build our brand in Europe and beyond. They brought new ideas to the table at every meeting, and their judgement was unfailingly sound.

Ruby Barclay

Communications Director, Climate Policy Initiative

di:ga really listened and understood our needs and found creative ways to address the challenges we faced. I’d thoroughly recommend them. They are both professional and fun to work with.

Sarah West

Former Director of Communications & Campaigns, Plan International UK

di:ga were strategic, thoughtful and attentive throughout the project. From the very start, they got what we are working to do and it was clear they wanted us to succeed. They're a great team and we loved working with them.

Sam Jeffers

Co-founder, Who Targets Me

The work di:ga did for ACET was first class: always professional, strategic, and focused, they really helped us understand what we needed to change.

K.Y. Amoako

President, African Centre for Economic Transformation

di:ga are so brilliant I hesitate to recommend them to others! Their ability to distil complex issues into pithy media-friendly prose is among the best I’ve seen.

Andrew Hudson

International Director, Centre for Policy Development